Inner Explorer

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Program description

Inner Explorer provides lesson-based and teaching practices approaches to SEL. Inner Explorer offers programming for Pre-K-12. A CASEL-approved evaluation demonstrates evidence of effectiveness at grade 3. Inner Explorer is delivered via an online platform that teachers can log into to play daily mindfulness-focused video lessons for students. Materials are offered in Spanish and Ukrainian.

Strategies supporting educational equity

Inner Explorer features strategies for youth action projects and customizing for context. This includes student-facing guidance for establishing a Mindfulness Club at their school site and supplementary lessons designed to be administered to support specific student needs (e.g., safety, test-taking anxiety).

      • SEL lessons
      • Instructional practices
      • Positive classroom management
      • SEL generalization
      • Systemic support for SEL
      • Adult SEL
      • Student supports
      • Student Voice
      • Community partnerships
      • Family Intervention Component
      • School Involvement
      • Connecting Families With Community Supports
      • Activities and Resources for Home
    • Onsite in-person training
    • Virtual training
    • Offsite training
    • Train the trainer model
    • Administrator support
    • Coaching
    • Technical assistance
    • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
    • Online resource library
    • Self-report tools for monitoring implementation
    • Observational tools
    • Tools for measuring student success

Evidence of effectiveness

Results from a quasi-experimental evaluation conducted in the 2011-2012 school year (published in 2015) supported the effectiveness of the Inner Explorer program for elementary school students. This evaluation included 191 grade 3 students in the U.S. Midwest (23% of students were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL)). This evaluation found that students receiving the Inner Explorer program showed significantly greater growth in teacher-reported reading and science grades than the control group (outcomes reported approximately eight weeks after baseline, while controlling for outcome pretest).

  • Evidence shown in grades
    School characteristics
      • Suburban
      • Midwest
    Student characteristics
    • Low income
    Percentage Low Income
    • Eligible for FRPL: 23%
    Study design type
    • QE
    Greater than 350 students included in study design type
    • No
    Multiple school districts included at study design type
    • No
    • Improved academic performance
    • Reduced emotional distress
    • Improved identity development and agency
    • Reduced problem behaviors
    • Improved school climate
    • Improved school connectedness
    • Improved social behaviors
    • Improved teaching practices
    • Improved other SEL skills and attitudes

How does Inner Explorer support SEL implementation across multiple settings?

“Inner Explorer is an audio guided mindfulness based SEL program that uses daily practice as "Inside-Out" learning to level the cognitive playing field. The program provides 4 age appropriate series for PK-12, employs educators and families as co-learners and is cost effective for individual schools or entire districts to create sustainability. ”

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