Kindness in the Classroom, offered by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, provides a lesson-based approach to SEL. It includes programming for grades K-8 and demonstrates evidence of effectiveness at grades 4-5. Translated materials for Kindness in the Classroom are available in 100+ languages, including Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Arabic.
Strategies supporting educational equity
Kindness in the Classroom offers strategies for customizing for context and youth action projects. This includes materials for creating an ongoing student-led ‘Kindness Club’ and guidance for adjusting lessons and instructional practices to meet the needs of diverse learners.
- SEL lessons
- Instructional practices
- Adult SEL
- Service-learning
- Activities and Resources for Home
- Individualized Communication
- Onsite in-person training
- Virtual training
- Offsite training
- Train the trainer model
- Administrator support
- Coaching
- Technical assistance
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Online resource library
- Self-report tools for monitoring implementation
- Observational tools
- Tools for measuring student success
Evidence of effectiveness
Results from an unpublished randomized controlled trial conducted in 2018 supported the effectiveness of Kindness in the Classroom with elementary school students. The evaluation included 586 students who were in grades 4 and 5 (83% spoke English as their 1st language and the average SES of the neighborhood in which the school was located was $58,054 (CAD)). This evaluation found that elementary school students who participated in the program had higher teacher and peer ratings of prosocial behaviors (i.e., teacher ratings = perspective-taking, gratitude, perseverance, intrinsic prosocial motivation, altruism, empathy, peer acceptance, and closeness; peer ratings = takes views), and engaged in less antisocial behaviors compared to students in the control group (outcomes reported 16 weeks after baseline while controlling for pretest scores). Self reports of students also revealed significant improvement in SEL skills and attitudes (perspective-taking, gratitude, perseverance, intrinsic prosocial motivation, altruism) for the treatment group over the control group.
Evidence shown in grades 4, 5School characteristics -
- Urban
- Suburban
- Non-US location
Student characteristics - Not Specified
Percentage Low Income - Not Specified
Study design type - RCT
Greater than 350 students included in study design type - Yes
Multiple school districts included at study design type - Yes
- Improved academic performance
- Reduced emotional distress
- Improved identity development and agency
- Reduced problem behaviors
- Improved school climate
- Improved school connectedness
- Improved social behaviors
- Improved teaching practices
- Improved other SEL skills and attitudes