Social Emotional Language Learning Arts (SELLA)

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Program description

Social Emotional Language Learning Arts (SELLA), offered by Montgomery County Educational Service Center, provides academic integration and lesson-based approaches to SEL. SELLA is designed to be integrated with ELA, with particular emphasis on writing skills and alignment with the Common Core State Standards for writing. Lessons also reference Common Core State Standards for reading, speaking, and listening. SELLA offers programming for grades K-6. A CASEL-approved evaluation demonstrates evidence of effective in grades 2-5.

Strategies supporting educational equity

SELLA features strategies for customizing for context. This includes dedicated time during program training for educators to review and adapt resources to serve students’ needs.

      • SEL lessons
      • Positive classroom management
      • SEL generalization
      • Shared agreements
      • Student voice
      • Peer mentoring
      • Service-learning
    • Onsite in-person training
    • Virtual training
    • Offsite training
    • Train the trainer model
    • Administrator support
    • Coaching
    • Technical assistance
    • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
    • Online resource library
    • Self-report tools for monitoring implementation
    • Observational tools
    • Tools for measuring student success

Evidence of effectiveness

Results from a randomized controlled trial conducted in the 2021-22 academic year (unpublished report written in 2023) supported the effectiveness of SELLA for public school students. This evaluation included 253 students in grades 2-5 from a suburban school district in the U.S. Midwest region (86% white; 13.5% free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL)). The study found that students who participated in the program had significantly higher self-awareness, relationship skills, and optimistic thinking compared to students in the control group (outcomes reported 32 weeks after baseline) while controlling for outcome pretest and grade level.

  • Evidence shown in grades
    2, 3, 4, 5
    School characteristics
      • Rural
      • Midwest
    Student characteristics
    • White
    Percentage Low Income
    • Eligible for FRPL: 13.5%
    Study design type
    • RCT
    Greater than 350 students included in study design type
    • No
    Multiple school districts included at study design type
    • No
    • Improved academic performance
    • Reduced emotional distress
    • Improved identity development and agency
    • Reduced problem behaviors
    • Improved school climate
    • Improved school connectedness
    • Improved social behaviors
    • Improved teaching practices
    • Improved other SEL skills and attitudes

How does Social Emotional Language Learning Arts (SELLA) support SEL implementation across multiple settings?

“The use of SELLA supplemental writing curriculum elevates individual student SEL competencies through highly adaptable classroom lessons that engage students in unique PBL modules. Compelling student-centered lessons foster improved academics & classroom culture while advancing student SEL competencies. These are the foundational human skills needed to navigate school, family & life!”
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